Jacob M. Jungers, PhD

Assistant Professor, Lab PI


Jake (he/him) is an agroecologist with a 50% teaching 50% research appointment. Jake teaches two undergraduate courses in the Plant Sciences major and advises graduate students in the Applied Plant Sciences, Plant and Microbial Biology, and Land and Atmospheric Sciences Graduate Programs. Jake's research is focused on improving the profitability and sustainability of cropping systems. He oversees a highly-collaborative lab that relies on the principles of plant ecology, field experiments, and statistical modeling to achieve these goals. Key components of his research include 1) improving resource use efficiency of crops, 2) developing agronomic methods for sustainable management of new and existing perennial crops, and 3) enhancing crop diversity at local, watershed, and regional scales. Jake works with the Forever Green Initiative to develop new crops such as Kernza and he strives to disseminate his research to a broad range of agricultural stakeholders. 

Ph.D. Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota
B.S. Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
B.S. Biology, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

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Jacob Jungers