
For the most recent list of publications by the Sustainable Cropping Systems Lab, please explore our Google Scholar profile. 

Names in bold text are or were members of the Sustainable Cropping Systems Lab.


68. Yang, Y., Tilman D., Jin, J., et al. Climate change exacerbates the environmental impacts of agriculture. Science. In Press.

67. Bajgain, P., Jungers, J. M., Anderson, J. Genetic constitution and variability in synthetic populations of intermediate wheatgrass, an out-crossing perennial grain crop. G3. In Press.

66. Griffin, A., Jungers, J. M., Bajgain, P. Root phenotyping and plant breeding of crops for enhanced ecosystem services. Crop Science. In Press.

65. Woeltjen, S., Jungers, J. M., Cates, A., Gutknecht, J. (2024). Early changes in carbon uptake and partitioning moderates belowground carbon storage in a perennial grain. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 370, 109033.

64. Kundert, J., Gutknecht, J., Rakkar, M., & Jungers, J. M. (2024). Perennial grain crop termination methods affect carbon flux and soil health. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 3(1), 1-12.

63. Black, K., Johnson, G. A., Wells, S. S., Garcia y Garcia, A., Jungers, J. M., & Strock, J. S. (2024). Effects of landscape position on perennial biomass and food crop performance in buffer areas. Ecosphere, 15(7), e4908.

62. Woeltjen, S., Gutknecht, & Jungers, J. M. (2024). Perennial grain maintains larger root stock than annual grain, but root growth and decomposition patterns differ across perennial grain stand age. Grassland Research, 3(1), 57-68.

61. Zhen, X., Dobbratz, M., Jungers, J. M., Sadok, W. (2024). Does interannual yield decline of intermediate wheatgrass respond to management and climate in the Upper Midwest? Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment, 362, 108856.

60. Poudel, K., Sheaffer, C., Jungers, J. M., Weihs, B., Lamb, J., Bauder, S., Picasso, V., Heuschele, J., Xu, Z. (2024). Quantifying winter survival of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Agronomy Journal, 16(1), 170-179.

59. Fruend Saxhaug, K., Jungers, J. M., Wyse, D., Sheaffer, C., & Heggeman, A. (2024). Field production of purple coneflower for beneficial phytochemicals. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 99(2), 198-211.


58. Reilly, E., Conway, A., Franco, J., Jungers, J. M., Moore, E. B, & Williams, C. (2023). Editorial – Continuous living cover: Adaptive strategies for putting regenerative agriculture into practice. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1320870.

57. Shoenberg, E. D., Jungers, J. M., Law, E. P., Keene, C. L., DiTommaso, A., Sheaffer, C. C., Wyse, D. L., Picasso, V. D., & Stoltenberg, D. E. (2023). Synthetic auxin herbicides do not injure intermediate wheatgrass or affect grain yield. Weed Technology, 37(5), 560-568.

56. Mulla, D., Tahir, M., & Jungers, J. M. (2023). Comparative simulation of crop productivity, soil moisture, and nitrate-nitrogen leaching losses for intermediate wheatgrass and maize in Minnesota using the DSSAT model. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1010383.

55. Wilson, G. L., Mulla, D. J., Jordan, N. J., Jungers, J. M., Gordon, B. A. (2023). Simulating the effect of perennialized cropping systems on nitrate-N losses using the SWAT model. Frontiers in Agronomy, 5,1180232.

54. DeHaan, L. R., Anderson, J. A., Bajgain, P., Basche, A., Cattani, D. J., Crain, J., Crews, T. E., David, C., Duchene, O., Gutknecht, J., Hayes, R. C., Hu, F., Jungers, J. M., Knudsen, S., Kong, W., Larson, S., Lundquist, P. O., Luo, G., Miller, A. J., Nabukalu, P., Newell, M. T., Olsson, L., Palmgren, M., Paterson, A. H., Picasso, V. D., Poland, J. A., Sacks, E. J., Wang, S., Westerbergh, A. (2023). Now is the time to expand perennial grain research. Science of the Total Environment, 895(15), 164975.

53. Culman, S., Pinto, P., Pugliese, J., Crews, T., DeHaan, L., Jungers, J. M., Larson, J., Ryan, M., Schipanski, M., Sulc, M., Wayman, S., Wiedenhoeft, M., Stoltenberg, D., Picasso, V. (2023). Forage harvest management impacts "Kernza" intermediate wheatgrass productivity across North America. Agronomy Journal, 115(5), 2424-2438.

52. Jungers, J. M., Runck, B. C., Ewing, P. M., Maaz, T., Carlson, C., Neyhart, J., Fumia, N., Bajgain, P., Subedi, S., Sharma, V., Senay, S., Hunter, M., Cureton, C., Gutknecht, J., Kantar, M. Adapting perennial grain and oilseed crops for climate resiliency. (2023). Crop Science, 63(4), 1701-1721.

51. Dobbratz, M., Jungers, J. M., & Gutknecht, J. (2023) Seasonal plant nitrogen use and soil N pools in intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium). Agriculture, 14, 468.

50. Rakkar, M., Jungers, J. M., Sheaffer, C. C., Bergquist, G., Grossman, J., Li, F., & Gutknecht, J. (2023). Soil health improvements from using a novel perennial grain during the transition to organic production. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 341, 108164.


49. Bergquist, G., Gutknecht, J. L., Sheaffer, C. C., & Jungers, J. M. (2022). Plant suppression and termination methods to maintain intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) grain yield. Agriculture, 12(10), 1638.

48. Reilly, E. C., Gutknecht, J. L., Tautges, N. E., Sheaffer, C. C., & Jungers, J. M. (2022). Nitrogen transfer and yield effects of legumes intercropped with the perennial grain crop intermediate wheatgrass. Field Crops Research, 286, 108627. 

47. Freund Saxhaug, K., Jungers, J. M., Wyse, D. L., Sheaffer, C. C., & Hegeman, A. D. (2022). Hydroponic production of fireweed for biomass and phytochemicals. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 102(6), 1164-1176.

46. Reilly, E. C., Gutknecht, J. L., Sheaffer, C. C., & Jungers, J. M. (2022). Reductions in soil water nitrate beneath a perennial grain crop compared to an annual crop rotation on sandy soil. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 996586. 

45. Puka-Beals, J., Sheaffer, C. C., & Jungers, J. M. (2022). Forage yield and profitability of graintype intermediate wheatgrass under different harvest schedules. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 5(3), e20274. 

44. Jungers, J. M., Shiffner, S., Sheaffer, C. C., Ehlke, N. J., DeHaan, L., Torrion, J., Noland, R., Franco, J. (2022). Effects of seeding date on grain and biomass yield of intermediate wheatgrass. Agronomy Journal, 114(4), 2342-2351.

43. Eckberg, J., Wells, S., Jungers, J. M., Lamb, J. F.S., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2022). Alfalfa forage yield, milk yield, and nutritive value under intensive cutting. Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment, 5(2), e20246.

42. Dobbratz, M., Gutknecht, J., Wyse, D., Sheaffer, C. C., & Jungers, J. M. (2022). Inconsistent effects of species diversity and N fertilization on soil microbes and carbon storage in perennial bioenergy cropping systems. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 37(1), 60-70.

41. Heineck, G. C., Schlautman, B., Law, E., Ryan, M. R., Sheaffer, C. C., Stoltenberg, D. E., Picasso, V., Zimbric, J. W., Jungers, J. M. (2022). Intermediate wheatgrass seed size and moisture dynamics inform grain harvest timing. Crop Science, 62(1), 410-424.


40. Dai, Y., Bharathi, R., Jungers, J., Annor, G. A., & Tyl, C. (2021). Effect of bran pre-treatment with endoxylanase on the characteristics of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) bread. Foods, 10(7), 1464.

39. Prigge, J. L., Sheaffer, C. C., Jungers, J. M., Jaqueth, A. L., Lochner, H. L., & Martinson, K. L. (2021). Forage characteristics and grazing preference of cover crops in equine pasture systems. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 103, 103663.

38. Duchene, O., Dumont, B., Cattani, D. J., Fagnant, L., Schlautman, B., DeHaan, L. R., Barriball, S., Jungers, J. M., Picasso, V. D., David, C., Celette, F. (2021). Process-based analysis of Thinopyrum intermedium phenological development highlights the importance of dual induction for reproductive growth and agronomic performance. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 301, 108341.

37. Kazanski, C. E., Cowles, J., Dymond, S., Clark, A. T., David, A. S., Jungers, J. M., Kendig, A. E., Riggs, C. E., Trost, J., Wei, X. (2021). Water availability modifies productivity response to biodiversity and nitrogen in long-term grassland experiments. Ecological Applications, 31(6), e02363.

36. Jungers, J. M., Yang, Y., Fernandez, C. W., Isbell, F., Lehman, C., Wyse, D., & Sheaffer, C. (2021). Diversifying bioenergy crops increases yield and yield stability by reducing weed abundance. Science Advances, 7(44), eabg8531.

35. Schiffner, S., Jungers, J. M., Van Tassel, D., Smith, K., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2021). Seeding date affects seed and biomass yield of Silphium integrifolium (Silflower). Native Plants Journal, 22(1), 30-44.


34. Fernandez, C. W., Ehlke, N., Sheaffer, C. C., & Jungers, J. M. (2020). Effects of nitrogen fertilization and planting density on intermediate wheatgrass yield. Agronomy Journal, 112(5), 4159-4170.

33. Sakiroglu, M., Dong, C., Hall, M. B., Jungers, J. M., & Picasso, V. (2020). How does nitrogen and forage harvest affect belowground biomass and nonstructural carbohydrates in dualuse Kernza intermediate wheatgrass? Crop Science, 60, 2562-2573.

32. Heineck, G. C., Ehlke, N. J., Altendorf, K. R., Denison, R. F., Jungers, J. M., Lamb, E. G., & Watkins, E. (2020). Relationships and influence of yield components on spacedplant and sward seed yield in perennial ryegrass. Grass and Forage Science, 75(4), 424-437.

31. Yang, Y., Hobbie, S. E., Hernandez, R. R., Fargione, J., Grodsky, S. M., Tilman, D., Zhu, Y. G., Luo, Y., Smith, T. M., Jungers, J. M. (2020). Restoring abandoned farmland to mitigate climate change on a full earth. One Earth, 3(2), 176-186.

30. Schiffner, S., Jungers, J. M., Hulke, B., Smith, K. P., van Tassel, D., & Sheaffer, C. (2020). Silflower seed and biomass responses to plant density and N fertilization. Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment, 3, e20118.

29. Bajgain, P., Zhang, X., Jungers, J. M., DeHaan, L. R., Heim, B., Sheaffer, C. C., Wyse, D. L., Anderson, J. A. (2020). ‘MNClearwater’, the first foodgrade intermediate wheatgrass (Kernza perennial grain) cultivar. Journal of Plant Registrations, 14(3), 288-297.

28. Jungers, J. M., Cherney, J., Martinson, K., Jaqueth, A., & Sheaffer, C. (2020). Forage nutritive value of modern alfalfa cultivars. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management, 6(1), e20076.

27. Freund Saxhaug, K., Jungers, J. M., Hegeman, A. D., Wyse, D. L., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2020). Cultivation of native plants for seed and biomass yield. Agronomy Journal, 112(3), 1815-1827.

26. Hunter, M. C., Sheaffer, C. C., Culman, S. W., & Jungers, J. M. (2020). Effects of defoliation and row spacing on intermediate wheatgrass I: Grain production. Agronomy Journal, 112(3), 1748-1763.

25. Hunter, M. C., Sheaffer, C. C., Culman, S. W., Lazarus, W. F., & Jungers, J. M. (2020). Effects of defoliation and row spacing on intermediate wheatgrass II: Forage yield and economics. Agronomy Journal, 112(3), 1862-1880.

24. Grev, A. M., Wells, M. S., Catalano, D. N., Martinson, K. L., Jungers, J. M., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2020). Stem and leaf forage nutritive value and morphology of reduced lignin alfalfa. Agronomy Journal, 112(1), 406-417.


23. Yang, Y., Reilly, E. C., Jungers, J. M., Chen, J., & Smith, T. M. (2019). Climate benefits of increasing plant diversity in perennial bioenergy crops. One Earth, 1(4), 434-445.

22. Heineck, G. C., McNish, I., Jungers, J. M., Gilbert, E., & Watkins, E. (2019). Using R-based image analysis to quantify rusts on perennial ryegrass. The Plant Phenome Journal, 2(1), 1-10.

21. Jungers, J. M., Kaiser, D. E., Lamb, J. F.S., Lamb, J. A., Noland, R. L., Samac, D. A., Wells, S., Sheaffer, C. C. (2019). Potassium fertilization affects alfalfa forage yield, nutritive value, root traits, and persistence. Agronomy Journal, 111(6), 2843-2852.

20. Jungers, J. M., DeHaan, L. H., Mulla, D. J., Sheaffer, C. C., & Wyse, D. L. (2019). Reduced nitrate leaching in a perennial grain crop compared to maize in the Upper Midwest, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 272, 63-73.

19. Tautges, N., Flavin, C., Michaels, T., Ehlke, N., Lamb, J., Jungers, J., & Sheaffer, C. (2019). Rotating alfalfa with dry bean as an alternative to corn-soybean rotations in organic systems in the Upper Midwest. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 34(1), 41-49.


18. Tautges, N. E., Jungers, J. M., Dehaan, L. R., Wyse, D. L., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2018). Maintaining grain yields of the perennial cereal intermediate wheatgrass in monoculture v. bi-culture with alfalfa in the Upper Midwestern USA. Journal of Agricultural Science, 156(6), 758-773.

17. Jungers, J. M., Frahm, C. S., Tautges, N. E., Ehlke, N. J., Wells, M. S., Wyse, D. L., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2018). Growth, development, and biomass partitioning of the perennial grain crop Thinopyrum intermedium. Annals of Applied Biology, 172(3), 346-354.

16. Frahm, C. S., Tautges, N. E., Jungers, J. M., Ehlke, N. J., Wyse, D. L., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2018). Responses of intermediate wheatgrass to plant growth regulators and nitrogen fertilizer. Agronomy Journal, 110(3), 1028-1035.

15. Ryan, M. R., Crews, T. E., Culman, S. W., Dehaan, L. R., Hayes, R. C., Jungers, J. M., & Bakker, M. G. (2018). Managing for multifunctionality in perennial grain crops. BioScience, 68(4), 294-304.


14. Jungers, J. M., DeHaan, L. R., Betts, K. J., Sheaffer, C. C., & Wyse, D. L. (2017). Intermediate wheatgrass grain and forage yield responses to nitrogen fertilization. Agronomy Journal, 109(2), 462-472.

13. Jungers, J. M., Eckberg, J. O., Betts, K., Mangan, M. E., Wyse, D. L., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2017). Plant roots and greenhouse gas mitigation in native perennial bioenergy cropping systems. GCB Bioenergy, 9(2), 326-338.


12. Jungers, J. M., Brakke, M., Rendahl, A., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2016). Identifying base temperature for alfalfa germination: Implications for frost seeding. Crop Science, 56(5), 2833-2840.

11. Kantar*, M. B., Tyl*, C. E., Dorn*, K. M., Zhang*, X., Jungers*, J. M., Kaser*, J. M., Schendel*, R. R., Eckberg*, J. O., Runck*, B. C., Bunzel, M., Jordan, N. R., Stupar, R. M., Marks, M. D., Anderson, J. A., Johnson, G. A., Sheaffer, C. C., Schoenfuss, T. C., Ismail, B., Heimpel, G. E., Wyse, D. L. (2016). Perennial grain and oilseed crops. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 67, 703-729.

2015 and earlier

10. Gamble, J., Jungers, J. M., Wyse, D. L., Johnson, G., Lamb, J. A., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2015). Effect of harvest date on biomass yield, moisture, mineral concentration, and mineral export in low-input grasslands in Minnesota. BioEnergy Resesarch (8), 740-749.

9. Jungers, J. M., Sheaffer, C. C., Fargione, J., & Lehman, C. (2015). Short-term harvesting of biomass from conservation grasslands maintains plant diversity. GCB Bioenergy, 7(5), 1050-1061.

8. Jungers, J. M., Arnold, T. W., & Lehman, C. (2015). Effects of grassland biomass harvest on nesting pheasants and ducks. American Midland Naturalist, 173(1), 122-132.

7. Jungers, J. M., Wyse, D. L., & Sheaffer, C. C. (2015). Establishing native perennial bioenergy crops with cereal grain companion crops. Bioenergy Research, 8(1), 109-118.

6. Jungers, J. M., Clark, A. T., Betts, K., Mangan, M. E., Sheaffer, C. C., & Wyse, D. L. (2015). Long-term biomass yield and species composition in native perennial bioenergy cropping systems. Agronomy Journal, 107(5), 1627-1640. 

5. Jungers, J. M., Sheaffer, C. C., & Lamb, J. A. (2015). The effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers on prairie biomass yield, ethanol yield, and nutrient harvest. Bioenergy Research, 8(1), 279-291.

4. Jungers, J. M., Fargione, J. E., Sheaffer, C. C., Wyse, D. L., & Lehman, C. (2013). Energy potential of biomass from conservation grasslands in Minnesota, USA. PLoS ONE, 8(4).

3. Jungers, J. M., Lehman, C. L., Sheaffer, C. C., Wyse, D. L. (2012). Characterizing grassland biomass for energy production and habitat in Minnesota. Proceeding to the 22nd North American Prairie Conference. 168-171.

2. Williams, S., Jungers, J. M., Johnson, K., Satyshur, C., DonCarlos, M., Dunlap, R., Mielke, T., Schaffer, J., Tilman, D., Wyse, D. L., Moon, R., Arnold, T., Lehman, C. (2012). Bioenergy from reserve prairies in Minnesota: Measuring harvest and monitoring wildlife. Proceedings from Sun Grant National Conference: Science for Biomass Feedstock Production and Utilization, 2(5).

1. Jungers, J. M., Trost, J. J., Lehman, C. L., & Tilman, D. (2011). Energy and conservation benefits from managed prairie biomass. Aspects of Applied Biology: Biomass and Energy Crops IV(112), 147-151.